For 14 years the unique proposition of Innovation Africa has been the dedicated pre-scheduled meetings between industry solution providers and government ministers and officials for education, ICT and skills. Join us in Addis Ababa for anticipated highest-ever turnout of African officials.
Format and Opportunity
Quite simply Innovation Africa is a meetings-based summit between business and government. Half of the event program is devoted to one-to-one meetings. The Ethiopian government and all participating African ministries have their own dedicated meeting area for hosting meetings throughout the afternoons of 28th & 29th April and the morning of 30th April.
The direct interaction of face-to-face meetings is extremely advantageous in building relationships and demonstrating a commitment to improving access to quality education and ICTs in Africa. Partners will often have more than twenty scheduled meetings with government ministries embedded within their forum agenda. This is alongside the numerous networking and on-site engagements that Innovation Africa is designed to encourage.
B2G meetings are scheduled in advance, allowing the strictly limited number of event partners to collaborate, generate ideas, enhance feedback, deepen existing relationships, communicate clear goals and improve your efficiency by having over forty African governments all under one roof at the same time.
Genuine Outcomes
At Innovation Africa, nobody is an attendee, everyone is a participant – taking part in pre-scheduled meetings to progress partnerships and agreements between government and the private sector. Over 1,000 meetings will be scheduled during the three days of the summit. For more than a decade this format has resulted in genuine outcomes, project implementation and memorandums of understanding that have made a measurable difference across the education, skills and edtech landscape in Africa.

Pre-Scheduling Meetings
The key to a successful meetings-based summit is our proprietary scheduling software. Accredited partners are given access to the online scheduling system prior to the start of the forum. You choose with whom you want to meet and select the time slot (25 minute windows), thus creating your own meetings agenda for the duration of the summit.
Innovation Africa 2025 will have over 60 dedicated ministerial meeting areas representing African education, innovation, digital transformation, skills and ICTs. This unique system allows us to organise over one thousand meetings over the three days. Furthermore, our on-site meeting manager allows companies to organise additional ad hoc meetings at the event to maximise engagement time.

Year of Education for Industry
In February 2024, Ministers from across the continent met in Addis Ababa to declare 2024 the “Year of Education” to educate and skill Africa for the 21st Century. This was an inter-governmental meeting and now ministers and senior government officials will be convening again in Addis to specifically engage with industry.
A snapshot of the education sector in Africa indicates efforts and progress in ensuring access, completion, and quality of education, with a focus on reducing out-of-school children and improving literacy rates. Innovation Africa follows the completion of the Year of Education whereby governments can meet with best-in-class solution providers to support this educational transformation with edtech, teacher development, digital learning, TVET and STEM education, curriculum reform and the importance of integrating innovative technologies in learning and skills development.
What they say

AfricanBrains is committed to advancing educational and digital transformation in Africa through connecting government, civil society and industry. Innovation for Africa